Puerto Galera, Mindoro (Canon EOS50)
Sometimes I can't help but compare us,
Filipinos, to the Americans. We love watching
Hollywood movies... we even like eating at
McDonalds! :)
But on a more serious note... take the
case of our recent elections. Both winning
candidates were the incumbents. Does that
mean that we are both afraid of changes? Or are
we contented with the things around us right now?
Personally, I couldn't care less who wins their election.
It's just that their country is so powerful
that voting for their president is like voting for the
president of the world! That's why the whole world
was so focused on their election.
Now the question is.. can Bush really help the world?
Or the nations will just be more divided after 4 years.
Will this child in the picture have a better future given
what's happening currently in our world???