Pat-yay, Mt. Province (Canon EOS50)
This was literally in the middle of nowhere!
It was such a sight when we saw this view... I couldn't
even imagine how and for how long did they make
these rice terraces. It was not as grand as the pyramids
in Egypt I suppose, but nevertheless, the efforts made
to build these terraces should be comparable to other
great structures.
How did we get here..you might wonder...
You have to trek a couple of hours to/from this
village. It is inaccessible to any form of vehicles.
From Mt. Amuyao, we trekked to this village for
nearly 12 hours!!! Yep, that's right...12 hours!!!
Then the next day, another 8 hours going to the
next village. We were trekking for 3 days until
finally we arrived at the last village before going
back to Banaue by jeepney!
It was an experience we wouldn't forget...
It's unfortunate that I'm not a good writer.
There are so many stories to tell during this